About us

The company Gustaf v Sivers AB was founded in 1923 and is now operating in the third generation.

Since the 60’s we have been agents for World Wide Dispenser, today DS Smith and the tap Kronje in different variations is one of our top sellers.

Kronje has sold over a million copies!

We strive to develop new unique products in cooperation with our customers.

Today, about 80% of our sales comes from self developed products.

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We provide customer-specific solutions & products to avoid spillage such as the flexible spout Harry. Call us if you have an idea or a problem.

About us

The company Gustaf v Sivers AB was founded in 1923 and is now operating in the third generation.

Since the 60’s we have been agents for World Wide Dispenser, today DS Smith and the tap Kronje in different variations is one of our top sellers.

Kronje has sold over a million copies!

We strive to develop new unique products in cooperation with our customers.

Today, about 80% of our sales comes from self developed products.

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We provide customer-specific solutions & products to avoid spillage such as the flexible spout Harry. Call us if you have an idea or a problem.